Aug 31, 2024  
2020-2021 Shepherd University Catalog 
2020-2021 Shepherd University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses by Subject

NOTE:  300- and 400-level courses are restricted to students who are sophomore-level and above.



  • PSYC 484 - Directed Readings

    (3 cr) As a first course in a series of two, the Directed Readings seminar is designed to prepare students for the senior thesis capstone course. In collaboration with a faculty mentor, the student will develop an idea for an original research project, conduct a review of the relevant literature, and generate an appropriate research design. The final product of the class will be an APA format paper describing the final design. Prerequisites: Senior standing and PSYC 370L  or PSYC 371L  or PSYC 372L .

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  • PSYC 485 - Senior Thesis

    (3 cr) Students acquire and perform skills involved in conducting and reporting empirical research. These include the forming of hypotheses, designing research to test those hypotheses, analysis of the resulting data, and the writing up of a complete report of the research results following APA guidelines. This is the Department of Psychology’s capstone course, designed to foster and evaluate the students’ fundamental understanding of psychology as an empirical research science. Prerequisites: PSYC 484 .

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Psychology (Graduate)

  • PSYC 599 - Special Topics: Psychology

    (1-4 cr) This course will examine in detail a specific subject or subject area in the discipline of psychology.
  • PSYC 699 - Special Topics: Psychology

    (1-4 cr) This course will examine in detail a specific subject or subject area in the discipline of psychology.

Recreation and Sport Studies

  • RECR 108 - Introduction to Sport Studies

    (3 cr) For students who want to enter the world of fitness or athletics as a professional as opposed to a classroom teacher.
  • RECR 115 - Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation

    (3 cr) Provides understanding of methods and techniques employed in serving special populations with recreation opportunities. A 20-hour field experience in a therapeutic setting is required.
  • RECR 120 - History of Sport and Physical Education

    (3 cr) Emphasizes relevant historical events that have influenced sport and physical education throughout history. Cross-listed with PHED 120 .)
  • RECR 125 - Introduction to Tourism

    (3 cr) This course explores current principles, practices, and philosophies as they relate to the tourism industry.  This course will also examine tourism concepts locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. Some of the content delivered in this course includes areas of social, cultural, economic, and psychological impacts on travel and tourism.  Previously titled Introduction to Commercial Recreation /Tourism.
  • RECR 140 - Introduction to Leisure Studies

    (3 cr) A study of the historical and philosophical foundation of recreation and leisure and its impact on society. Topics include recreation programs in various settings, commercial and tourism, therapeutic recreation, and career opportunities.
  • RECR 200 - Recreation and Sport Management Technology

    (3 cr) This class will examine the implication of information technology on the recreation and sport management business and how to manage information technology resources within a company to maximize operation efficiency and productivity. Students will learn to be information technology professionals in the industry who can manage, develop, and lead organizational information systems based on the integration of core business concepts and ever-changing knowledge about information and technology.  Previously numbered RECR 321.
  • RECR 201 - Sport Finance

    (3 cr) This course provides students with principles of sport finance, basic accounting for sport managers, economics of leisure and sport organizations (including schools, universities, club programs, and professional sport organizations), budget development, and financial accountability. Case studies and projects will be included in the course. Prerequisites: ECON 123  or ECON 205 .
  • RECR 210 - Leisure Activities

    (3 cr) Prepares students to lead and teach leisure activities as well as implement programs. Activities for special populations will also be explored.
  • RECR 211 - Leadership in Recreation and Sport

    (3 cr) This course will provide students with the foundations of recreation leadership and group interaction. The course will cover theories, techniques, styles, and communication. Experiential activities will allow a better understanding of the concepts of leadership and group dynamics in a recreation setting. Previously titled Leadership in Leisure Studies.
  • RECR 226 - Sports Marketing

    (3 cr) Emphasizes policies, procedures, and administrative skills to organize and develop both internal and external techniques. Previously titled Sport Promotion/Marketing/Fund Raising.
  • RECR 227 - Sport Broadcasting

    (3 cr) Students will learn the art of the play-by-play, how to host weekly coaching shows, how to create a sports personality, and how to create their own sports talk shows. Sports broadcasting technology has changed and with it the growth of sports business and sports broadcasting. Sports radio and sports talk shows are available in every part of the world, and talented and trained sports broadcasters are in high demand. This course will train students with the skill set and experience that network affiliates and professional sports are requiring.
  • RECR 228 - Sport Management

    (3 cr) Focuses on areas of leadership with emphasis on functions of management, time management, and decision making as they relate to a career in sport and event management.
  • RECR 250 - Field Experience in Recreation

    (3 cr) Provides practical career-related experiences in leisure services. A supervised 120 hour experience is required. Students should consult the practicum handbook for specific course procedures. Prerequisites: RECR 140 .
  • RECR 288 - Women in Sport

    (3cr) This course will examine the cultural production of the female athlete and explore the underpinning social, economic, and political implications of women in sports.
  • RECR 300 - Risk Management in Recreation and Sport

    (3cr) Exploration of legal principles and principles of risk management as they apply to recreation, tourism and sport services/programs. This course covers law and liability issues for administrators and programmers in the recreation/sport industry.
  • RECR 316 - Recreational and Sports Programming

    (3cr) A study of principles, policies, and procedures needed to organize, direct, and conduct recreation programs. Previously titled Recreational Programming. Prerequisites: RECR 140 , and either RECR 201  or ACCT 201 .
  • RECR 318 - Adaptive Principles of Coaching

    (3cr) In this course, students will learn to develop an understanding of Special Olympics and various other sport organizations; identify a personal coaching philosophy; apply sports management team approach in recruiting athletes, volunteers and family members and in developing training plans for conducting sport-specific training programs for athletes; identify practical methods for enhancing athlete performance by developing sport confidence through effective coaching techniques; apply the principles of strength, endurance, coordination, agility and flexibility training and nutrition to enhance sport-specific performance and how to provide the safest environment for all athletes during training and competition.  Students will receive a nationally- and internationally-recognized certification in Coaching Special Olympic Athletes.
  • RECR 319 - Adaptive Sport and Event Management

    (3cr) In this course, students will learn basic principles, techniques and tools to effectively plan and facilitate a variety of sporting events such as competitions, fund-raisers, and public awareness events for athletes of varying ability levels.
  • RECR 320 - Facilities Management

    (3 cr) Examines design, construction, operation, and management of physical education, recreation, and sport facilities. Prerequisites: RECR 140 , and either RECR 201  or ACCT 201 .
  • RECR 323 - Human Resource Management in Sport

    (3 cr) This course provides an introduction to the field of personnel/human resources management as it relates to sport and recreation and investigates the role of the personnel manager in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. A variety of personnel functions and procedures is examined including HR planning, job analysis, performance appraisal, personnel selection, orientation, training and development, compensation and benefits, labor-management relations, civil service systems, EEO/AA, and the impact of legislation on the personnel function.
  • RECR 324 - Sports Writing

    (3 cr) This course focuses on techniques of reporting, interviewing, gathering information, and writing sports stories from basic news to feature style format. Practical experience and lab work are included.
  • RECR 325 - Sport Appreciation

    (3 cr) This course is designed for students to explore and understand the various aspects of sport at the various levels: scholastic, intercollegiate, professional, and international.
  • RECR 326 - Public Relations (PR) in Sport

    (3cr) This course introduces strategies, issues, and effective practices of communication in the sports field and its constituencies. It includes the study of public opinion research, media relations, public communication campaigns, consumer identity, advertising, and representational ethics. Students gain practical experience in writing sports-related news releases, conducting surveys, and designing integrated campaigns.  Previously titled Advertising and Public Relations in the Sports Profession.
  • RECR 331 - Medical Terminology for Therapeutic Recreation

    (3 cr) This course provides students with a working knowledge of medical terms used in therapeutic recreation. Taught every third semester.
  • RECR 332 - Camp Counseling

    (3 cr) Provides skills necessary to plan, organize, and work in a camp setting. Permission of department chair.
  • RECR 336 - Inclusive Recreation

    (3 cr) This course introduces students to issues related to characteristics of special needs populations as well as recreational and sports strategies for instruction of diverse populations. Students will also be introduced to the legal issues related to adults and children with special needs.
  • RECR 342 - Campus Recreation and Event Management

    (3 cr) A study of the organization, administration, and supervision of campus recreation, intercollegiate athletic events, and local recreational events. Students will assist in these activities as part of their class requirements.
  • RECR 343 - 21st-Century Tourism

    (3 cr) This course examines the commercial potential and the unique business opportunities associated with the travel and tourism industry.
  • RECR 344 - Hospitality

    (3 cr) An examination of the numerous aspects of the hospitality and commercial recreation industry including lodging, food, beverage, customer service, hospitality management, safety, and event management. This course will also make students aware of jobs in the industry.
  • RECR 345 - Therapeutic Recreation in an Institutional Setting (Gateway)

    (3 cr) Students will examine fundamental techniques in providing recreation activities for the disabled. Students will be catalysts working in partnership with the staff at various institutions to foster self-esteem and optimum health for their clients. Students will attend four class trips to various agencies in the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area.




  • RECR 350 - Field Experience in Leisure Services

    (3 cr) Provides career-related experiences through 150-hour supervised field work in approved settings. Prerequisites: RECR 140 , RECR 210 RECR 211 , and 2.5 GPA in major.
  • RECR 355 - Sport Photography

    (3 cr) Gives students hands-on experience in taking and developing film relating to sports activities.
  • RECR 363 - Lifeguard Training /Professional Rescuer

    (3 cr) Students learn skills necessary to prevent aquatic accidents and to rescue drowning victims in a variety of aquatic environments. Professionalism, working with people, and facility surveillance are also included. Students appropriately passing written and practical tests may receive American Red Cross Lifeguarding, CPR, and First Aid Certificates. Prerequisites: Good swimming skills (ability to swim 20 lengths of the pool without stopping).
  • RECR 364 - Water Safety Instructor

    (3 cr) Students learn American Red Cross techniques of teaching swimming and diving. Other topics include aquatic safety, hydrodynamics, stroke mechanics, fitness, training, competitive activities, and rescue techniques. Students who successfully complete the course to American Red Cross standards receive certificates.
  • RECR 370 - Environmental Education

    (3 cr) Examines philosophy, techniques, and application of education in and for the out-of-doors. Topics include history and development of outdoor education, environmental education, including school camping, conservation, and interpretation techniques.
  • RECR 371 - Outdoor Education

    (3cr) Outdoor Education is designed for individuals interested in using the outdoors as an educational setting.  Emphasis will be placed on creating a learning environment in the outdoors, appropriate teaching and delivery methods, lesson plan design, leadership skills, field trip planning, and risk management.  Some course components will focus on developing outdoor activity skills.  The course will involve off-campus travel and learning experiences.
  • RECR 392 - Cooperative Education in Recreation Leisure Studies

    (1-9 cr) This course is offered each semester, including the summer. Repeatable, but not in the same term, up to a maximum of 9 credits. Prerequisites: 2.5 GPA in major plus RECR 140 , RECR 210 , and RECR 211 .
  • RECR 407 - Management in Recreation and Sport

    (3cr) Prepares the student to manage sport, recreation, and sport services in public and private settings. Topics include public relations, human relations, personnel management, budgets, and management theory.  Previously titled Management in Recreation and Leisure Services. Prerequisites: RECR 140 ; junior standing required.
  • RECR 422 - Admin & Supervision of Therapeutic Recreation

    (3cr) This course offers a comprehensive overview of all aspects of administration and the TR profession to include TR program design, safety, risk management, human resources, training, family interaction, use of community resource, agency accreditation, professional certification and organizational involvement.
  • RECR 430 - Therapeutic Recreation Programming

    (3 cr) Provides an understanding of the methods and techniques employed in formulating and conducting programs for special populations.
  • RECR 435 - Therapy for Physical Health Conditions

    (3cr) The purpose of this course is to examine the various health conditions and the role of recreation therapy in treatment settings for individuals with physical health issues. Students will apply current recreation therapy implementation techniques and evaluation methods across physical health diagnoses and settings.
  • RECR 436 - Therapy for Mental Health Conditions

    (3cr) The purpose of this course is to examine the various health conditions and the role of recreation therapy in treatment settings for individuals with mental health conditions. Students will apply current recreation therapy implementation techniques and evaluation methods across mental health diagnoses and settings.
  • RECR 440 - Late Adulthood Issues

    (3 cr) This course is designed to acquaint students with the field of gerontology. The class content will enable the student to better understand the older person’s experience as a result of aging.
  • RECR 443 - Contemporary Issues in Therapeutic Recreation

    (3cr) The purpose of this course is to provide the student with the skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to perform quality assessment in therapeutic recreation.  Additionally, students will obtain information related to the therapeutic recreation process and advancement of the profession.  Students will review the procedures required to become a certified recreation specialist (CTRS).
  • RECR 444 - Design and Analysis Research in Recreation and Sport

    (3 cr) This course is designed to survey the basic types of research methods often found in recreation and sport science. A variety of research designs and computerized statistical analyses are studied to help students understand the systematic nature of problem solving. Various research problems as they relate to recreation and sport are discussed for the purpose of identifying the broad and diverse nature of research in the movement, leisure, sport, and health professions.


  • RECR 449 - Pre-Practicum

    (3 cr) Course content includes writing a resume, cover letter, and mock interview project in addition to completing other requirements prior to enrolling in RECR 450 - Recreation Internship .Previously offered as 1cr.
  • RECR 450 - Recreation Internship

    (9 cr) Internship programs provide professionally-supervised career-related experience in a leisure service organization. Student must complete a minimum of 400 agency hours in a setting that demonstrates planning, leadership, administrative, and supervisory skills. Students should consult the Planning Your Career in the 21st Century Handbook and follow specific procedures stated. Prerequisites: RECR 140, RECR 316, RECR 407, RECR 449, junior/senior status with 2.5 GPA in major, and permission of the instructor.



  • RECR 451 - Reading in Recreation and Sport

    (3 cr) An examination of a selected topic in recreation and sport devoted to extensive reading of classic, standard, and/or contemporary monographs, articles, and/or books. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
  • RECR 452 - Special Project/Capstone

    (1-3cr) The Special Project/Capstone course is designed along with Internship (RECR 450 ).  The Internship Special Project/Capstone will have three primary purposes:  1) it must make a contribution to the agency; 2) it must be an additional opportunity for learning and involvement by the student; and 3) it must make an impressive addition to the student’s portfolio. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor, and approval of department chair.
  • RECR 453 - Senior Thesis

    (6cr) Students majoring in Recreation and Leisure Studies, along with faculty supervision, may elect to write a senior thesis in order to complete the requirements for graduation. Prerequisites: All concentration and core coursework completed with a C or better, senior status with 2.5 GPA in major, permission of instructor, and approval of chair.



  • RECR 521 - Sport Management

    (3cr) This course offers students a look at the diverse, expanding field of sport and recreation. Designed to provide a comprehensive look at the basic organizational structures found in the sport industry, this course will examine applications of managerial concepts and processes, and the ways in which organizations interact with each other and with the government. Cross-listed MBA 521 . Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
  • RECR 522 - Sport Marketing and Sales

    (3cr) This course features an in-depth look at the marketing practices, procedures and operations of professional, college and recreational sport organizations and enterprises. Students refine their marketing skills by examining the ways in which sport marketing organizations exercise promotions, marketing research, sponsorships and fund raising in the sport industry. Cross-listed MBA 522 . Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
  • RECR 524 - Sport Administration

    (3cr) This course will study the fundamental skills of sport administration, including planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, and budgeting in public, not-for-profit, and for profit sectors. Cross-listed MBA 524 . Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

Recreation and Sport Studies (Graduate)

  • RECR 543 - 21st Century Tourism

    (3cr) This course examines the commercial potential and the unique business opportunities associated with the travel and tourism industry.
  • RECR 544 - Hospitality Industry

    (3cr) An examination of the numerous aspects of the hospitality and commercial recreation industry including lodging, food, beverage, customer service, hospitality management, safety, and event management. This course will also make students aware of jobs in the industry.
  • RECR 570 - Environmental Education

    (3cr) Examines and researches philosophy, techniques, and application of education in and for the out-of-doors. Topics include history and development of outdoor education, environmental education, including school camping, conservation, and interpretation techniques.

Research (Graduate)

  • RESR 601 - Independent Research Seminar

    (3cr) Affords students an opportunity to complete an independent research or field project under the supervision of faculty mentors who are experts in the chosen field or discipline. Research projects will be approved by the Graduate Council.


  • RELG 308 - Old Testament

    (3 cr) Survey of the Old Testament, concentrating on the history of the Hebrew covenant-community of people, their understanding of life in relation to God, and the literary forms in which they expressed this understanding. Offered upon demand.
  • RELG 309 - New Testament

    (3 cr) Covers the life and teachings of Jesus as described in the Gospels, the writings of Paul, and the contents of other New Testament books, along with certain critical questions regarding authorship and interpretation of New Testament material. Offered upon demand.
  • RELG 325 - Great Religious Books

    (3 cr) Examines a number of the great books which have helped shape classic Christian thought in Western culture. The concepts of law, justice, order, authority, and salvation as they occur in the writings of major religious thinkers are stressed. Selections from the Old and New Testaments, St. Augustine, Abelard, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Hooker, Pascal, Kant, Kierkegaard, Tillich, Bonhoeffer, Barth, and Buber will be read and discussed. Offered upon demand.
  • RELG 330 - History of Early Christianity

    (3 cr) The history of Christianity from New Testament times to the Reformation will be studied. Emphasis will be on geographical spread, significant persons, philosophies, governments, and theological concerns (see HIST 330). Offered upon demand.


  • RUSS 101 - Russian

    (3 cr) When demand for them is warranted, sequenced courses in Elementary and Intermediate Russian When demand for them is warranted, sequenced courses in Elementary and Intermediate Russian are offered under a RUSS prefix number: RUSS 101, RUSS 102 RUSS 203 , and RUSS 204 . Each course carries three hours credit.



  • RUSS 102 - Russian

    (3 cr) When demand for them is warranted, sequenced courses in Elementary and Intermediate Russian When demand for them is warranted, sequenced courses in Elementary and Intermediate Russian are offered under a RUSS prefix number: RUSS 101 , RUSS 102, RUSS 203 , and RUSS 204 . Each course carries three hours credit.
  • RUSS 203 - Russian

    (3 cr) When demand for them is warranted, sequenced courses in Elementary and Intermediate Russian When demand for them is warranted, sequenced courses in Elementary and Intermediate Russian are offered under a RUSS prefix number: RUSS 101 RUSS 102  , RUSS 203, and RUSS 204  . Each course carries three hours credit.
  • RUSS 204 - Russian

    (3 cr) When demand for them is warranted, sequenced courses in Elementary and Intermediate Russian When demand for them is warranted, sequenced courses in Elementary and Intermediate Russian are offered under a RUSS prefix number: RUSS 101 RUSS 102 RUSS 203 , and RUSS 204. Each course carries three hours credit.

Senior-Year Experience

  • SREX 400 - Career Readiness

    (1cr) While much attention has been directed toward the transition of new students into institutions of higher education, much less has been focused on the transition students face upon graduation. This course is designed to prepare you as you proceed beyond graduation and help you develop skills to ensure success throughout the next phase of your life. Prerequisites: Senior standing.

Sign Language

  • SIGN 101 - Conversational Sign Language I

    (3 cr) This course involves both the teaching of the American Sign Language (ASL) as a skill to be acquired by the student in both the receptive and signing modes, and the development of a knowledge of cultural differences between deaf and hearing people. A further objective of the course is to have the student experience at least one social situation frequented by people who are deaf.
  • SIGN 102 - Conversational Sign Language II

    (3 cr) This course involves advanced skill acquisition of the American Sign Language (ASL), both in the signing and receptive modes. The culture of deaf people is also further explored along with the literature on deafness. Prerequisites: SIGN 101 .


  • SOCI 203 - General Sociology

    (3 cr) This course introduces the student to the concepts and theories that pertain to social relationships and social organization. The course covers topics that range from micro interpersonal relationships to macro social structures. The course is a prerequisite for all other courses in sociology and/or social welfare.

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  • SOCI 205 - Social Problems

    (3 cr) In large, complex, heterogeneous, and rapidly changing societies, social problems are inevitable consequences. The problems may vary in their nature, extent, and volume but the negative impact has equally significant implications for all aspects and members of the society. Although these problems are an integral aspect of society, their impact needs to be and can be controlled within a normal range. In order to ameliorate the negative consequences of these social conditions so that they do not reach a pathological state, it is imperative to understand their source, nature, and effects. This course examines these aspects of various social problems and the suggested corrective strategies to deal with them.
  • SOCI 301 - Social Science Writing

    (3cr) Students will receive guidance in developing skills for writing analytical research papers. Students will summarize and critique published research utilizing APA-style guidelines. Peer-review will foster a community of scholars, and multiple assignments and revisions will strengthen writing skills and substance. The course culminates in the submission of a literature review of a research topic chosen by the student. SOCI 301 is the writing-intensive course in the Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Criminal Justice. Prerequisites: ENGL 101  or equivalent, and ENGL 102 .



  • SOCI 303 - The Family

    (3 cr) This course is an objective description and analysis of families. The course will examine the development and functions of traditional family forms as well as explore a variety of other family forms. Problems and issues facing contemporary families will be addressed. Diversity among American families will be emphasized.
  • SOCI 307 - Population and Development

    (3cr) This course is concerned with the study of human populations and their interaction with the physical environment. It examines how societies are affected by changes in the size, composition, and distribution of their populations, as well as how those population trends affect the organization of social life. The course will introduce students to the procedures demographers use to collect, analyze, and interpret population data such as birth, death, and migration rates.  Previously titled Demography.
  • SOCI 309 - Sociology of Religion

    (3 cr) This course examines the structure and functions of organized religion in traditional and modern societies with an emphasis on reciprocal relations among religion, economic, family, educational, and political systems. Also, various patterns of cults, sects, and denominations will be examined.
  • SOCI 321 - Social Stratification

    (3 cr) A study of the factors which account for differences in influence, power, and social prestige held by different individuals and groups in the community and the society. Also considered are the theories of stratification and the relationships between social class and education, occupational choice, political preference, and religious affiliation. The relationship between social class and social mobility is reviewed.  Previously numbered SOCI 411.
  • SOCI 322 - Social Theory

    (3 cr) This course introduces the student to the fundamental forms of social thought. The philosophical beginnings of social theory are presented in order to form the basis for the analysis of classical social theory. The influence of social conditions and classical social theory is discussed in order to trace the development of contemporary social theory. Previously numbered SOCI 410. Prerequisites: SOCI 203 .
  • SOCI 323 - Social Research Methods

    (3cr) This course focuses on the assessment of social phenomena for research analysis within sociology. The student is introduced to the principles of the scientific method and alternative approaches for conducting sociological investigation. The course also includes an overview of the various methods of investigation, as well as the role quantitative and qualitative analysis play in research. Students will design a research proposal that may be used as the basis for their Senior Thesis project (which may require Institutional Review Board approval). Prerequisite/corequisite: MATH 101  or higher.
  • SOCI 324 - Intro to Social Statistics

    (4cr) This course introduces students to the theory and application of basic statistical analysis for the investigation of patterned social phenomena. Students will learn the basic quantitative methods that underlie statistical analysis, including sampling theory, frequency distribution, central tendency, measures of variability, t-tests, analysis of variance, correlations, and simple regression techniques. Students will also learn how to collect and organize quantitative data using statistical software and how to interpret basic presentations of quantitative results (charts, tables, and graphs).  Previously titled Quantitative Analysis and Data Management. Previously offered at 3cr. Prerequisites: MATH 101 , MATH 105 , MATH 108 , or MATH 109 , or permission of instructor.
  • SOCI 333 - The Sociology of Sport

    (3 cr) This course surveys the principles that underlie the social structure and processes that create and transform the social institutions within the institution of sport. It also investigates the social milieu in which sport participation is embedded with respect to who participates, when, where, and the consequences of participation.
  • SOCI 345 - Deviance and Social Control

    (3cr) This course examines social norms and discusses why individuals and groups violate them. Students will examine the social construction of deviance by questioning who creates norms and laws, and who enforces them, with particular attention paid to resulting social inequality. The application of sociological theory and concepts will demonstrate the differential social power in society and how it operates to ensure conformity. Prerequisites: SOCI 203 .
  • SOCI 403 - Race and Ethnic Relations

    (3 cr) The content of the course goes beyond the literal meaning of its title. It involves an analysis of stratification based on race, ethnicity, gender, class, and other social categories such as caste. Such a structure is not deliberate, but rather dictated by the inextricable relationship and uniformity of the consequences of the various forms of stratification. While emphasis is placed on the social arrangements in the American society, the issues are also examined from a cross-cultural perspective. The course tries to provide a general theoretical framework of stratification by exploring the factors, the process, and the consequent tensions and hostilities associated with it. Previously titled Ethnic Relations.
  • SOCI 405 - Research Methods in the Social Sciences

    (3 cr) This course focuses on the scientific assessment of social phenomena. The student is introduced to the principles of the scientific method in order to conduct social research. The course includes the development and testing of hypotheses and covers various methods of data collection. Qualitative and quantitative assessment techniques are presented and discussed. Prerequisites: PSYC 250  or MATH 314  or BADM 224  or  consent of instructor.
  • SOCI 409 - Contemporary Theory

    (3 cr) This course focuses on the European influence upon intellectual thought in American sociology. The impact of Marx through the Frankfurt School, neo-Marxists, and critical theory is introduced. The development of symbolic interaction is presented in an examination of dramaturgy, ethnomethodology, and phenomenological sociology. Structural-functionalism, systems theory, and exchange theory are also presented. In addition, contemporary feminist theory as well as critical theories of race are discussed. The course ends with a overview of modern theories of modernity and globalization.
  • SOCI 413 - Urban Sociology

    (3cr) This course introduces students to topics related to urbanization including the history of urbanization with a focus on cities in the U.S., theories of urban development, the social consequences of urbanization, the emergence of urban culture, the relationship between economic development and city growth, issues in urban planning, and the link between urbanization and crime. Students will gain experience writing in the discipline through an engagement with current research and debates on urban related issues.
  • SOCI 418 - Faculty-Led Research

    (3cr) Independent Research allows students of junior status and above who have excelled in their studies to undertake a semester-long piece of research and writing under the supervision of a member of the sociology department. Students should contact a member of the sociology staff, providing a one-page outline of their proposed research and writing. The supervisor must approve the topic. Once the topic is approved, the student should contact the chair of the Department of Sociology, Criminology, and Criminal Justice and indicate their intention of enrolling in SOCI 418. Before granting permission to enroll, the chair will consider the value and scope of the project, along with the workload implications for the supervisor. Independent study is not normally approved if other electives are available to the student. Prerequisites: SOCI 203 , a 2.5 cumulative GPA, and at least junior status.
  • SOCI 419 - Internship in Sociology/Criminal Justice

    (3 cr) This course provides supervised field experience enabling students to integrate theory and practice. A variety of community-based organizations are used for student placement. The course may not be repeated. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing; 2.5 minimum overall GPA; permission of sociology faculty.
  • SOCI 420 - Senior Thesis

    (3cr) Students will design and conduct original research, which entails forming a focused research question, engaging in a literature review, identifying an appropriate source of data and accompanying methodology, compiling results and analyses, and organizing each component into a formal research paper. Proper sampling techniques, ethical practices, and social scientific technical writing skills will be vigorously applied. A complete report of the research will be submitted and findings will be presented in a public forum. SOCI 420 is the capstone course to the B.S. in Sociology. Prerequisites: SOCI 322 , SOCI 323 , AND either SOCI 324  or PSYC 250 .



Sociology (Graduate)

  • SOCI 570 - Social Forces, Education, and Knowledge

    (3 cr) This course will survey classical history of sociology emphasizing the evolution of social theory and empirical research. After this foundation is covered the course will center on contemporary social forces related to educational problems and the accumulation and advancement of knowledge by focusing on the relationship between the school as an institution, the culture, and the society.
  • SOCI 599 - Special Topics: Sociology

    (1-4 cr) This course will examine in detail a specific subject or subject area in the discipline of sociology.
  • SOCI 699 - Special Topics: Sociology

    (1-4 cr) This course will examine in detail a specific subject or subject area in the discipline of sociology.

Social Work

  • SOWK 101 - First Year Experience in Social Work

    (1 cr) The first-year experience addresses wellness, information literacy, and experiential learning in order to integrate students into the life and culture of Shepherd University and to prepare them with the foundations for academic success. This course will introduce students to essential skills for enhancing their professional development and maintaining their personal well-being as they pursue lifelong learning and a career in the helping professions. Students will be introduced to the competencies emphasized by the University and those core competencies required by the Council on Social Work Education.



  • SOWK 201 - Introduction to Social Work

    (3 cr) Sophomore-level course designed to introduce the beginning-level social work student to the issues and knowledge with which social welfare and social work are concerned. Through examination of the scope of social welfare as a concept, the structures that have grown out of it, and the theory and practice techniques which enable the structures to function, this course will attempt to lay the base for later, more detailed and advanced study of basic policy and practice concerns. The students will be introduced to the generalist concept of social work practice upon which the undergraduate curriculum is built and will have the opportunity to explore their own readiness to identify with the values, principles, and practices of the social work profession. Required for all social work majors. Prerequisites: SOCI 203 , PSYC 101 , or consent of instructor.
  • SOWK 300 - Community Service Learning

    (3 cr) Community Service Learning provides students an opportunity to actively participate in both the classroom and the community to foster an awareness of social issues and citizenship development. The course emphasizes interactive, experiential education by placing curricular concepts in the context of community service. Students use critical thinking skills as they evaluate and synthesize these concepts through actual problem solving. Students see connections between service and learning through writing, reflection, and discussion as they evaluate experiences, analyze the connection to and the role of social services agencies, and meet in seminars to process their experience. Prerequisites: SOCI 203 .
  • SOWK 301 - Social Welfare as a Social Institution

    (3 cr) A survey of the historical development of social welfare institutions and the societal processes devised to deal with social welfare concerns. Special attention is given to the origin and development of the American social welfare system as well as current trends and issues in the social welfare field. This course also focuses on the profession of social work from both a historical and a contemporary perspective. Prerequisites: SOCI 203  and SOCI 205 SOWK 201 ; and either SOWK 300  or SOWK 330  .



  • SOWK 305 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment I

    (3 cr) The first of two courses in a sequence designed to introduce the student to theories and knowledge of the biopsychosocial development of individuals within the context of a range of social systems. The dynamic interaction of human beings and their sociocultural context is explored in each of the developmental stages of the human lifespan. Particular attention is given to group memberships, family dynamics, and cross-cultural distinctions. Special emphasis is also placed on ethical issues, differing values, and the role of social institutions in both enhancing and limiting human growth and potential. This course is focused on the earlier part of the lifespan, through the adolescence and young adulthood. It introduces the systems model and how organizational and community systems affect client systems. Prerequisites: PSYC 101 ; SOWK 201 ; and either SOWK 300  or SOWK 330 .
  • SOWK 306 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment II

    (3 cr) The second of two courses in a sequence designed to introduce the student to theories and knowledge of the bio-psychosocial development of individuals within the context of a range of social systems. This course offering examines the impact of biological, psychological, and sociocultural systems on middle through late adulthood. It includes material on gender roles, sexism, sexual orientation, retirement, death, and dying. The impacts of social and economic forces and macro system responses to the challenges of development in adulthood are explored. Prerequisites: SOCI 203 ; SOWK 201 ; SOWK 300 ; and SOWK 305 .

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