The Health Promotion and Exercise Science academic program is a baccalaureate degree providing professional preparation for a career in health and fitness exercise science and a solid foundation for graduate study in health, exercise science/fitness, and allied health.
Health Promotion Concentration - This concentration aligns students who wish to pursue careers in community outreach, employee wellness, health service management, medical and pharmaceutical sales, work safety and wellness education, health research, and health policy. The health promotion concentration provides a comprehensive background of chronic disease, health education, human anatomy and functions, preventative information, exercise assessment, testing, and prescription.
Health Sciences Concentration - This concentration aligns students who wish to pursue careers in Allied Health covering but not limited to physical therapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, physical therapy assisting, and physician’s assistant. Allid Health professionals’ roles include prevention, diagnostician, and treatment of a range of conditions and illnesses often within multidisciplinary health care teams to provide successful/optimal patient outcomes.
In addition to the course requirements listed:
- It is REQUIRED that each major be an active member of an approved state or national organization in Health Promotion & Exercise Science during the academic years while pursuing this major.
- It is REQUIRED that all Health Promotion & Exercise Science majors attend two state and/or national conferences in the area of health promotion and/or exercise science during the academic years while pursuing this major.
- It is REQUIRED that each student develop an electronic portfolio of their academic work beginning with their freshman year. The electronic portfolio is to be completed by the student during their senior year.
- It is REQUIRED that each student earn a minimum of “C” in each Health Promotion & Exercise Science core class.
Health Promotion and Exercise Science Program Learning Outcomes
- The HPEX student will be able to practice, create, and apply health, fitness, and wellness theories learned in the classroom and transition that knowledge to clinical experiences, internship experiences, and real-life situations to become distinguished and confident allied health professionals.
- The HPEX student will be able to integrate theory and practical knowledge into a cohesive and holistic whole allowing for the application and execution of sound ethical judgements based on stated professional guidelines and accepted practice within the chosen allied health field.
- The HPEX student will be able synthesize and evaluate gained practical and theoretical knowledge and apply them while understanding the psychological, physiological, affective, epidemiological, historical, socio-economic-cultural implications, and ramifications for health, wellness, and disease prevention.