Feb 13, 2025
2019-2020 Shepherd University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Core Curriculum
Shepherd University has established the following Core Curriculum which is required for all bachelor’s degrees except the Regents B.A. degree, which has a separate set of requirements found under that section of the Catalog. The core Curriculum has been designed to
- facilitate the acquisition of knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world,
- foster the development of intellectual and practical skills and a sense of personal and social responsibility, and
- provide opportunities for integrative learning.
Up to 8 credits of courses within the Core Curriculum can be used to count towards both the Core Curriculum requirements and the requirements of a minor or a major. For additional information, students should contact their advisor. A minimum of 42 semester hours of course work is required as follows:
The First Tier (Initial Inquiry) — 21 semester hours
Students may take Tier 1 courses at any time, but are strongly encouraged to take them in the first two years. WRITTEN ENGLISH - 6 Hours:
Students who score below 18 on the English section of the ACT, or below 450 on the SAT Verbal test, must enroll in ENGL 101A and ENGL 101B in place of ENGL 101. For further information, see Academic Support Services and the course listings. A C or better is required in the Written English coursework. MATHEMATICS - 3 Hours:
Students who score below 19 on the Mathematics section of the ACT, or below 460 on the SAT Quantitative test, must enroll in MATH 101A and MATH 101B . For further information, see Academic Support Services and the course listings. Students should consult with their advisors, as some majors require specific Mathematics courses. Mathematics courses approved for the Core Curriculum are indicated by the Core Code MA. HISTORY - 3 Hours:
Select one of the following: Note(s):
† HNRS 102 is restricted to students enrolled in the Honors Program.
SCIENCES—8 Hours*:
Students should consult with their advisors, as some majors require a specific Science sequence. Courses approved for the Core Curriculum Sciences requirement will be indicated by the Core Code LS. Choose one set of courses listed below: Note(s):
*The West Virginia Core Coursework Agreement provides transfer students a measure of flexibility in satisfying core requirements. Students presenting a single 4-credit Introductory Biology course in transfer from another institution should make an appointment with the Biology department chair, Dr. David Wing, dwing@shepherd.edu, to determine which Shepherd General Biology course articulates with the transferred course. FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE - minimum 1 Hour:
Students should generally take their first-year experience class in their first semester at Shepherd. Many majors have a specific first-year experience course required in the major which may not be listed below. Students should consult with their advisor or department chair in order to determine the proper first-year experience class for their major. Courses approved for the Core Curriculum First-Year Experience requirements are indicated by the Core Code FY. The Second Tier (Expressions of Knowledge) - 21 semester hours
Students are expected to take Tier 2 courses in the first three years. Three of the courses selected to satisfy Tier 2 requirements must also meet the following requirements (indicated by the designated Core Codes ): - Civic Knowledge and Engagement - CK
- Global Understanding and Respect - GL
- Multiculturalism and Diversity - MD
ARTS - 3 Hours:
Courses approved for the Core Curriculum Arts requirement are indicated by the Core Code AR. HUMANITIES - 6 Hours:
Courses approved for the Core Curriculum Humanities requirement are indicated by the Core Code HM.
†HNRS 205 is restricted to students enrolled in the Honors Program. SOCIAL SCIENCES - 9 Hours:
Courses approved for the Core Curriculum Social Sciences requirement are indicated by the Core Code SO. WELLNESS — 3 hours:
Courses approved for the Core Curriculum Wellness requirement are indicated by the Core Code WE. WRITING IN THE MAJOR
This course in the major does not count toward the 21 credits of Tier 2, or toward the 42 credits of the Core Curriculum. Students should consult with their advisors for the proper Writing in the Major course in their program, indicated by the Core Code WM. The Third Tier (Integrative Learning)
Students must have senior standing to take Capstone courses, which do not count toward the 42-credit Core Curriculum minimum. Students should consult with their advisors for the proper Capstone course for their program, indicated by the Core Code CP. |