Oct 06, 2024  
2021-2022 Shepherd University Catalog 
2021-2022 Shepherd University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Performance

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The Scarborough Library

The Scarborough Library of Shepherd University enhances and supports the instructional programs of the university and provides research assistance for the campus community. Our highly trained staff is dedicated to our core values of: learning, service, accessibility, and diversity.

The library is open and provides public service 87 hours per week during fall and spring semesters. In addition, the 24-hour room is accessible to registered Shepherd students 24/7. Library hours during final exams week are extended based on student need and library resources.

The library’s collection contains more than 175,000 cataloged items including books, serials, audiovisual materials, and microform collections of newspapers, periodicals, and federal government documents–all accessible through the library’s online catalog. Scarborough Library provides access to hundreds of serial publications–most of them online–and more than 6,000 electronic books. Most electronic resources are available through the library website and are accessible from any computer on campus; many are accessible from remote locations with valid Shepherd ID.

Scarborough Library is an official partial depository of both United States and West Virginia government publications. The library also houses the Shepherd University Archives and Special Collections, and maintains a digital repository of select items from the Shepherd University Archives.

The library offers 275 seats for public use, and multiple group-study and conference rooms. It also maintains a computer lab available for student use, provides wireless access to the campus network, and provides color and black-and-white printers. Additionally, a 24-seat computer classroom is used for the library’s instructional program and is open for student use when not reserved for instruction.

Instructional services for faculty and students range from personalized reference assistance to course-related instruction. All reference instruction is based on our core standard that acquisition of information literacy skills is imperative to our students’ ability to gather, analyze, and use information, from any media, in an appropriate and ethical manner.

Interlibrary Loan Service is available for students and faculty, usually at no cost to the user. The library has access to more than 9,000 libraries worldwide and provides efficient and fast delivery of articles, books, and other items not accessible through Scarborough Library.

Academic Support Center

The Academic Support Center, located in the Dr. Howard N. Carper, Jr. Learning Commons (Scarborough Library, first floor), offers a variety of coursework and services to assist students in achieving academic success at Shepherd. The responsibilities of this office include the following: 1) peer tutoring, 2) placement and directing of classes in English and mathematics, and 3) advising.

Shepherd students interested in working with peer tutors from a variety of disciplines can make an appointment online at www.shepherd.edu/academic-support/. Tutoring is free of charge for currently enrolled Shepherd students.

Students interested in being hired for a peer tutoring position will need to apply with Human Resources and meet the following criteria: maintain both a cumulative 3.00 GPA and a GPA of 3.00 in the course they tutor.  Applicants are required to submit a recommendation from a faculty member and complete an interview with an ASC staff member.

Students seeking placement into university English and mathematics classes can arrange to take the ACCUPLACER placement test. At the conclusion of testing, students will receive advising on appropriate English and mathematics course placement. 

Students returning to campus after academic suspension receive advising concerning a variety of policies and programs that Shepherd offers to assist them in reaching their academic goals.


The Shepherd University Mission Statement says “student learning is central to the culture of our institution and finding ways to improve student learning is a continuing process.”

The university can derive many benefits from integrating a campuswide assessment program. Academic departments have the opportunity to take the step back and reflect on what the departmental mission is, and what a graduate from that program will know, value, and be able to do. Students will find it very helpful to know the goals of the major and how each course in the program relates to those goals. Faculty will also be able to use the assessment results to determine if program goals are being met. If particular goals are not being met, faculty will have specific evidence concerning what curricular changes need to be made to improve student attainment of program goals. Academic support services, such as the library, student affairs, academic advisement, and financial aid, also make a tremendous contribution to student learning on campus. Thus, all programs can assess how they contribute to the learning environment and what changes they might make to maximize that learning experience.

Participation in Assessment Activities: Shepherd University REQUIRES student participation in assessment tests and surveys. The results enable the university to monitor its programs and services, to assist students in fulfilling their academic goals, and to fulfill reporting requirements to accrediting and government agencies. The assessment task force and the assessment coordinator oversee development and reporting of assessment activities. Both academic and administrative departments throughout the university will require student input about their functions from time to time.

Students will be notified when they are expected to participate in assessments. The assessments of freshman writing abilities and a survey of graduating seniors are well-established university-wide assessments. Sophomores’ skills in general education outcomes will be undertaken regularly. In addition, each program conducts its own assessments of student learning. Other assessments will be conducted as needed. Generally these assessments can be completed in a modest period of time. The university will seek employers’ input on the ability of graduates to perform in the workplace.

Failure to participate when required or any violation of the assessment or testing procedure can result in administrative action including withholding of grades and/or restriction from registration until the requirements are met.

Learning Communities: A learning community represents a group of students who take two of the same classes, which are linked by theme or content. This program enhances students’ entire university experience by allowing them to become part of a close-knit academic community sharing common academic, social, and residential experiences. Learning communities foster connections among students, students and teachers, and disciplines and ideas. Learning communities promote active, collaborative learning and allow exploration of diverse perspectives. Some learning communities will have a residence hall component to provide students with the chance to live with other students who are also interested in this innovative learning approach.


Students are expected to attend class and to know and understand the specific attendance policies established by each of their instructors. Attendance policy for a given class is established by the instructor and stated in the course syllabus. Instructors will make reasonable accommodations for occasional, unavoidable absences based on highly legitimate grounds. Instructors will determine the most appropriate means of compensating for work unavoidably and legitimately missed in their classes. To be eligible for such substitute evaluation, students are responsible for discussing any absences with their instructors: such discussions must occur in advance of foreseeable absences and as soon as possible following unpredictable ones.

Students are expected to plan their class, work, and personal schedules to avoid potential conflicts. Legitimate reasons for class absences include documented and/or verifiable instances of the following: 1) death in the immediate family; 2) incapacitating illness or injury (not including any non-emergency doctors’ appointments that could be scheduled at other times); 3) field trips required for other classes, intercollegiate competitions, or activities entailing official representation of Shepherd University; 4) seriously hazardous, weather-induced driving conditions (for commuter students only).

A student’s evaluation in a course is the instructor’s responsibility. A grade decision in a course must be made by the instructor prior to the initiation of a grade appeal. A student who believes his or her grade has been adversely affected by an instructor’s inappropriate implementation of the attendance policy may pursue a grade appeal at the close of the semester.

  1. A student who has a documented medical disability or chronic illness that may affect his/her ability to attend class regularly and/or to complete scheduled in-class, graded activities (e.g., exams, oral reports, lab assignments) should confer with his/her instructors as soon as possible after the semester begins. In consultation with the student (and with doctors or Shepherd staff when appropriate), the professor can develop a contingency plan to accommodate any absences that may occur because of the disability or illness. The instructor may create alternative assignments or otherwise determine the best means of assuring that the student’s semester grade will not suffer should the student have to miss classes as a direct result of his/her disability or medical condition. To the greatest extent consistent with the particular disability involved, a chronically ill or disabled student will not only be treated equally with other students, but will also be equally expected to adhere to course policies and assignments established for all students.
  2. In rare instances a student may suffer an unanticipated medical problem or must meet a military-service obligation requiring complete absence from school over an extended period (i.e., weeks rather than days). Such a situation will create the need to confer with instructors as soon as is feasible–possibly through a relative or other responsible surrogate. An instructor may be able to design alternative assignments that can be done independently. However, some courses by their nature do not lend themselves to compensation for prolonged periods of missed classes and assignments: for such classes, the alternatives may be limited to either a Withdrawal or an Incomplete specifically mandating that the student actually take some or all of the relevant course when it is next offered. In such circumstances, the Admissions and Credits Committee will review any necessary requests for waivers regarding institutional deadlines regarding Withdrawals or Incompletes when 1) the student’s petition clearly and fully explains the situation calling for the waiver, 2) appropriate documentation is presented, 3) the request is supported in writing by both the instructor and the student’s advisor, and 4) the student’s request is made in a timely manner, but no later than the tenth class day of the following spring or fall semester.

Good Academic Standing

At the end of each grading period each student’s Shepherd University and cumulative grade point average (GPA) is calculated. The calculation is determined by dividing the number of earned quality points by the number of GPA hours. In the computation of the Shepherd and cumulative GPA, a grade of I will not be included in the GPA hours. When the grade of I is replaced by a passing or failing grade, the student’s grade point average will be revised by the Office of the Registrar.

A student remains in good standing when he or she maintains BOTH a minimum 2.0 Shepherd University GPA AND a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA (including coursework attempted at other institutions).

Academic Forgiveness Policy


Revised and approved November 11, 2002

The academic forgiveness policy does not alter, change, or amend any other existing policies at Shepherd University and is formulated to be consistent with Series 20 of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and supersedes all previous academic forgiveness policies at Shepherd University.

Academic forgiveness is intended for the student who is returning to the university with a grade point deficiency. A student readmitted after July 1995 may be eligible for academic forgiveness unless the student has been placed on final academic suspension. (A student who has incurred three academic suspensions from any institution of higher education is on final academic suspension and does not qualify for academic forgiveness. However, a student on final suspension may appeal this decision to the Admissions and Credits Committee, according to procedures in the section titled “Academic Suspension” in the Shepherd University Catalog. If the third suspension in repealed, the student may apply for forgiveness by submitting a written request to the registrar as established below.) The Regents Bachelor of Arts Program is governed by a different forgiveness policy.

This policy covers only those students who have not been enrolled as a full-time student (12 or more semester credit hours) at any institution of higher learning during the five consecutive academic years immediately preceding the readmission semester. This policy is limited to students who have not yet been awarded their first academic degree. Academic forgiveness will be granted only once for any student.

To be eligible for academic forgiveness, a student who does not qualify for readmission because of a low GPA may be admitted to the university and placed on academic probation. The academic forgiveness policy may be applied after a readmitted student has earned 12 credit hours that apply toward graduation with a minimum GPA of 2.0. These 12 hours must be earned at Shepherd University.

During the first semester of re-enrollment, a student desiring academic forgiveness must complete a written request form and file it in the Office of the Registrar. This request must certify that the applicant has not been enrolled as a full-time student (12 or more credit hours) in any institution of higher learning during the five consecutive academic years immediately preceding the readmission semester. If the student has attended any institution of higher education on a part-time basis during the specified five-year period, the student must have earned at least a 2.0 GPA in all coursework attempted.

This request will indicate whether the applicant wishes to exclude from the GPA calculation (1) all F and IF grades; or (2) all F, IF, and D grades earned prior to the five consecutive academic years immediately preceding the beginning of the readmission semester. This includes those grades appearing as transferred grades on the official transcript. If a student chooses to have all D grades excluded from the GPA calculation, it is with the understanding that the courses for which the D grades were earned cannot be used to satisfy any requirements for graduation.

When and if all prerequisite conditions have been met, academic forgiveness will be granted upon the successful completion of the readmission semester. The registrar will then officially calculate the student’s current GPA. However, no grade will be removed from the permanent record. A student awarded forgiveness under this policy does not qualify for graduation with honors.

This policy pertains only to the calculation of the GPA required for graduation. Academic forgiveness does not pertain to a GPA calculated for special academic recognition (such as graduating with honors) or to the requirements for licensure boards, external agencies, or the West Virginia Board of Education.

The university is not bound by the decision of any other institution to disregard grades earned in university courses. Similarly, students should be aware that other institutions may not recognize academic forgiveness extended by Shepherd University.

Academic Probation

For Freshman/New Transfer Students: At the conclusion of the first semester of attendance at Shepherd University, a student must attain a 2.0 Shepherd University GPA. If the student fails to achieve a 2.0 in the first semester of residency, the student will be placed on academic probation.

For Continuing Students: A student in good academic standing who has been enrolled for more than one semester and whose Shepherd University GPA or cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 in any semester will be placed on academic probation.

The student on academic probation is no longer in good academic standing, but is allowed to continue coursework while improving the GPA.

The student who begins a semester on probation and withdraws from the university after the first five weeks of the semester will be suspended through the end of the next regular semester and may apply for readmission by completing an application for admission.

To be removed from probation and return to good academic standing, a student must attain BOTH a 2.0 Shepherd University GPA and a cumulative GPA (including coursework attempted at other institutions).

Academic Suspension

The student placed on probation prior to the beginning of the fall semester must attain a 2.0 GPA on his or her combined hours for the fall, spring, and (if eligible) the following summer session(s) to avoid suspension and be eligible to return for the following fall semester. Failing to meet the minimum GPA for these terms will result in suspension.

The student placed on probation prior to the beginning of the spring semester must attain a 2.0 GPA on his or her combined hours for the spring and (if eligible) the following summer session(s) to avoid suspension and be eligible to return for the following fall semester. Failing to meet the minimum GPA for these terms will result in suspension.


Summer School: Students in First Suspension, who have earned a minimum 1.75 Shepherd GPA in the appropriate Fall and/or Spring probation semesters will be allowed to amend their academic year GPA by attending either one or both summer sessions at Shepherd* immediately following notice of suspension. Academic status will be reviewed at the end of the summer session(s).

*A GPA deficiency at Shepherd University cannot be amended by coursework taken at another institution.

Academic Suspension 

First Suspension: The student who has been suspended from the university for the first time may apply for readmission after one regular semester by completing an application for admission. An academic performance contract with the Advising Assistance Center and/or Academic Support Center will be required. The application for readmission must be filed no later than August 1 (for Fall semester) or December 1 (for Spring semester).

Second Suspension: The student who has been suspended from the university for the second time is not eligible to attend Summer School.  Students in Second Suspension may apply for readmission after one academic year by completing an application for admission. The application for readmission must be filed no later than August 1 (for Fall semester) or December 1 (for Spring semester).

The student who has been approved to return from second suspension will do so under the terms of a rigorous Academic Recovery Contract administered by director of the Academic Support Center and the major advisor. Failure to meet the terms of the contract will result in a final status of academic dismissal from the university.

Appeals to the above regulations may be made to the Admissions and Credits Committee.

Academic Dismissal: An academically dismissed student is ineligible for readmission. An academically dismissed student may petition the Admissions and Credits Committee for relief, but not earlier than five years following the academic dismissal (four years for students entering the R.B.A. program), and not within two years of the most recent petition for relief.  A student approved to return from Academic Dismissal after the 5-year dismissal must sign a Dismissal Recovery Contract.

Students receiving federal financial aid must also adhere to a satisfactory academic progress requirement. The specifics of this requirement may be found in the Catalog under the section Financial Aid.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic honesty is expected among all Shepherd University students and members of the Shepherd community. By submitting academic work, students warrant that the work is their own and that unauthorized materials or resources were not used. Plagiarism, fraud, unauthorized use of resources, and cheating in all its forms are not tolerated. All members of the Shepherd community are responsible for maintaining their own academic integrity and for reporting suspected academic dishonesty.

Plagiarism is the act of stealing and using, as one’s own, the ideas of another or the written expression of the ideas of another. Specific instruction on avoiding plagiarism and academic dishonesty may be provided by course instructors on course syllabi, in which case those instructions are binding on the student. Students guilty of academic dishonesty in any course will receive sanction from the course instructor and may face sanctions by the university, particularly if there is a second reported offense. Sanctions may include dismissal from the university. Complete guidelines and policies affecting academic integrity can be found in the Shepherd University Student Handbook.

Dean’s List

To be named to the Dean’s List, a student must earn at least 12 credits with no less than a 3.40 grade point average for the semester.

Graduation with Honors

Honors are determined by the cumulative quality point average of the student’s work at graduation. Until fall 2000 there will be two standards running for determining honors according to the catalog date of the student.

For students entering the university as of fall 1999 or thereafter, or students using the 1999-2000 Catalog or any catalog thereafter, honors will be awarded according to these criteria: highest honors, Summa Cum Laude, 3.850 to 4.000; high honors, Magna Cum Laude, 3.700 to 3.849; and honors, Cum Laude, 3.500 to 3.699.

To graduate with honors in the Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree program, a student must have 80 semester hours of traditional credits, with 32 of these credits earned at Shepherd University.

Note that when a student chooses to pursue a program in a later catalog than the one in effect upon admission, all aspects of that catalog will apply including the honors standards.

McMurran Scholars


In 1961 the faculty created the award of McMurran Scholar, which is the highest academic honor awarded at Shepherd University.

Joseph McMurran Scholars are individuals who were enrolled as an undergraduate during the prior calendar year and who meet the following criteria:

  1. Have been presented by the provost to the Scholarship and Awards Committee as being eligible as a scholar, having amassed:
    1. A minimum of 90 semester hours leading to the four year baccalaureate degree for which a traditional grade has been given, with the exception of Advanced Placement credits awarded by Shepherd University, which shall be included (Pass-Fail, CLEP, special examination grades and veteran’s credit do not count).
    2. Have maintained full-time status; a minimum of 12 earned credits in each semester enrolled at Shepherd. (The full time requirement shall not apply to summer work or any semester in which the academic program schedules the student to take less than 12 credits; for example, student teaching.)
    3. Have completed at least 45 of the minimum 90 semester hours at Shepherd University.
    4. A minimum 3.86 quality point average.

2. Have been nominated by a minimum of three faculty members who have sufficient knowledge of them for demonstrating good character and exemplary conduct, as well as the capacity and inclination to pursue scholarly inquiry. At least two of these faculty members should come from the nominee’s major department, and the third should come either from this department or from a closely allied discipline.

3. Have subsequently been approved by the faculty at large (a listing of all nominees along with the names of the three faculty in support of each nominee will be distributed to the faculty at large). Any faculty member feeling he or she has just cause may challenge the nomination by submitting a statement of position to the Scholarship and Awards Committee chair. All challenges shall be returned to the originating department for consideration and action.

The elected scholars are recognized at the McMurran Scholars award ceremony and the commencement exercise.


Shepherd University Cancellation Policy

Generally, Shepherd University does not cancel operations because of inclement weather. Unlike the K-12 schools, the university has different operational issues and its student are not minor children thus, if severe weather conditions render it dangerous for students to reach the university, those who fail to travel to campus on that particular day will not be put at a serious disadvantage. Individual students who have encountered severe travel conditions should notify their instructors of their absence prior to the next class meeting and should request appropriate arrangements for the makeup of course work.

Employees encountering severe travel conditions should notify their supervisors of their absence and discuss work conditions, leave time, and special needs.

All employees designated as emergency personnel (via a memo from their supervisors) will be required to report at their regular work times regardless of weather conditions, unless otherwise directed by their unit supervisors.

Should an extreme weather emergency or power or water failure warrant the closing of offices and/or canceling or altering the schedule of classes and events by the President, then public notification will be made via Shepherd Web, switchboard, Rave text-messaging system, and area media. Radio and television stations carrying emergency announcements include: WEPM (1340 AM and 93.7 FM), WRNR (740 AM and 106.5 FM), Martinsburg; WUSQ (102.5 FM), WFQX (99.3 FM), WINC (92.5 FM), Winchester; WJEJ (1240 AM), WDVM-TV Ch. 25, Hagerstown; West Virginia Public Radio; and WUSA-TV Ch. 9, Washington, D.C.

Announcements of emergency plans will also be available by calling 304-876-5000 or on the homepage at www.shepherd.edu or by signing up for the Rave text messaging notification system at www.shepherd.edu/rave-alert/.

Announcements of emergency plans will be communicated as early as possible (presumably 6 a.m.) when the emergency condition precedes the start of the work and/or instructional day. When the emergency condition arises during the day, the announcement will be communicated through the heads of those units which may be affected. Announcements concerning evening classes will be communicated by 4:30 p.m.

Please note: Shepherd announces delays and closings only–if Shepherd is not mentioned on designated radio/TV stations as a delay or cancellation, the university is open and operating on its regular schedule.

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