Feb 19, 2025  
2022-2023 Shepherd University Catalog 
2022-2023 Shepherd University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Miscellaneous Admission Information

Academic Common Market Options for Out-of-State Students

A student must apply to his/her home state to be certified as eligible to be considered for Academic Common Market (ACM) status to be eligible to pay West Virginia in-state tuition rates. For more information visit www.sreb.org/page/1304/academic_common_market.html.  There are application deadlines for ACM status, which may vary by state (check your home state’s ACM website). These deadlines are firm and may result in ACM status being delayed until the next semester. ACM status is not applied retroactively.

Applications generally require a letter from Shepherd University certifying that the student is admitted to or is pursuing the appropriate ACM program (specific major and concentration). New students can request this letter from the Office of Admissions; current students can request it from the Office of the Registrar.

Certification by the home state ACM coordinator must be received by the Office of the Registrar by the first Friday in August to be considered for ACM status for the previous summer terms, by the third Friday in September to be considered for that fall semester, and by the third Friday in February to be considered for that spring semester.

If a student comes to Shepherd under the Academic Common Market and has been certified by the corresponding state agencies as a bona fide resident of Maryland or Virginia or any other state with which Shepherd may have an Academic Common Market agreement, the Academic Common Market status is retained, provided that the student remains in the program which was certified and maintains continuous enrollment at Shepherd University. This status will hold even if the student’s legal or permanent residence changes to another state.

Shepherd University offers the following ACM-eligible programs for each state:




South Carolina:

Each Academic Common Market student’s record is reviewed twice a year by the registrar, and must show steady progress in taking courses specific to the allowed program. If the student wishes to pursue a double major, both majors must be eligible Academic Common Market programs at Shepherd University, and the student must apply for and receive Academic Common Market status certification from their home state for both programs. The record is also reviewed for full-time enrollment and good academic standing.

If in the judgment of the registrar the student has not made adequate progress, based on the Shepherd University Advisor’s Handbook, the status will be changed to out-of-state. If an Academic Common Market student stays out a year, he/she will have to reapply to Shepherd University and must resubmit an application to the home state for Academic Common Market status.

For more information contact the Office of Admissions: 304-876-5212

Advanced Placement Tests

To receive credit for Advanced Placement Tests, students must have the AP test results sent to the Office of Admissions at Shepherd by the testing service. As new AP tests are developed, credit awards will be adjusted accordingly.

American History-grades of 3, 4, or 5; HIST 201 and HIST 202
Art History-grades of 3, 4, or 5; ART 103
Art History-grades 4 or 5; ART 203 (for art majors)
Biology-grades of 3, 4, or 5; BIOL 103 and BIOL 104
Calculus AB-grades of 3, 4, or 5; MATH 207
Calculus BC-grades of 3, 4, or 5; MATH 207 and 208
Chemistry-grades of 3, 4, or 5; CHEM 207, CHEM 207L, CHEM 209, CHEM 209L
Classics-no credit given
Comparative Politics and Government–grades of 3, 4, or 5; PSCI 304
Computer Science (A,AB, or Principles)-grades of 3, 4, or 5; CIS 104
Economics (macro and micro)-grades of 3, 4, or 5; ECON 205 and 206
English (language and composition)-grades of 3, 4, or 5; ENGL 101
English (literature and composition)-grades of 3, 4, or 5; ENGL 102
Environmental Science-grades of 3, 4, or 5 WITH documentation of year-long laboratory experience: ENVS 201, 201L, 202, 202L (8cr)
     -(without documentation of laboratory experience, credit for ENVS 201 and 202 only, 6cr)
European History-grades of 3, 4, or 5; HIST 102 and HIST 103
French Language-grades of 3 or 4; FREN 101 grade of 5; FREN 101 and 102
German Language-grades of 3 or 4; GERM 101 grade of 5; GERM 101 and 102
Government and Politics (American)-grades of 3, 4 or 5; PSCI 101
Human Geography-grades 3, 4, or 5; GEOG 105
Music (Theory)-grades of 3, 4, or 5 ; MUSC 111
Music (Theory)-grades of 4 or 5; MUSC 103 (for music majors)
Physics 1-grades of 3, 4, or 5; PHYS 201, 201L
Physics 2-grades of 3, 4, or 5; PHYS 202, 202L
Physics C: Mechanics - grades of 3, 4, or 5; PHYS 221, 221L
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism - grades of 3, 4, or 5; PHYS 222, 222L
Psychology-grades of 3, 4, or 5; PSYC 101
Spanish Language-grades of 3 or 4; SPAN 101 grade of 5; SPAN 101 and 102
Statistics-grades 4 or 5; MATH 314
Studio Art Drawing - grades 4, 5, or 6; ART 115
Studio Art 2D Design - grades 4, 5, or 6; ART 140
Studio Art 3D Design - grades 4, 5, or 6; ART 170
World History-grades 3, 4, or 5; HIST 101 and HIST 102

CLEP Tests

Students are awarded credit for the successful completion of many of the CLEP Subject Examinations. To obtain credit for an examination, Shepherd University has established a minimum score for each CLEP test. A CLEP test should not be taken for a subject in which you have previously enrolled and from which you have withdrawn. A CLEP exam cannot be used to change a grade of D or F received for course work at Shepherd University or another institution.

Shepherd University is an open testing center and any student may complete a CLEP examination who has properly registered to do so.  CLEP examinations are administered through the Advising Assistance Center, and information about CLEP examinations may be found at https://www.shepherd.edu/career-center/clep-testing.  Persons desiring to enroll at Shepherd University who would like to apply CLEP credit toward their Shepherd degree requirements must have the test results sent to Shepherd.

International Baccalaureate


Shepherd University recognizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum as a strong pre-university academic program and encourages applicants to complete the requirements for the IB diploma. Advanced standing will be awarded for higher level exams with scores of 5, 6, or 7 to students who present either the IB diploma or individual IB exam scores. Credit is not awarded for standard level exams.

Individual academic departments determine how credit will be awarded for IB exams in a manner similar to the awarding of credit for Advanced Placement exams.

To receive credit for International Baccalaureate higher level examinations, students must have the IB examination results sent to the Office of Admissions at Shepherd University. Academic departments may add or delete credit for these examinations if course content or examinations change. For specific information go to section 7.3 at https://media.suweb.site/2016/09/policy27.pdf?v=1556750342.

Immunization Requirement

All new/transfer students under the jurisdiction of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission are required to show proof of immunity to measles and rubella (two doses of the MMR vaccine, one administered at school age, or a rubella titre), prior to enrollment. A TB test in the year prior to enrollment is also required. Individuals born prior to 1957 are exempt from the requirement for a second measles, mumps and rubella immunization.

Beginning with the fall semester 2007, all new students (incoming freshmen or transfers) who wish to live in the residence halls must present proof of immunity to meningococcal meningitis in order to move into any residence hall. The university requires a completed health record for all full-time and resident students. Students will not be permitted to register for courses until they have provided proof of immunity and a completed Health Status Review Form

All full-time and resident students must submit a complete health record with the following information. Students with a medical exemption should attach a letter detailing the medical issue(s) from their physicians. Students claiming religious exemptions must submit a statement from their religious faith leader. Proof of a DPT series, as well as proof of a polio series of immunizations, is required. It is highly recommended, but not required, for students to have chicken pox/varicella or hepatitis B immunizations in order to prevent potentially serious illnesses. In addition, results of a recent physical examination are strongly recommended.

  1. Immunizations
    1. Date and results (in millimeters, or “zero” of a TB test (PPD or Mantoux skin test) within one year prior to entrance. If greater than 10 mm, proof of negative chest x-ray is required.
    2. A tetanus shot within the past 10 years.
    3. Proof of immunity to measles and rubella with one of the following documents (students born before 1957 are exempt from this requirement):
      1. Dates of two doses of MMR vaccine, one at age 5 or older.
      2. Date and results of a rubella titre (a blood test).
      3. Dates and medical verification of having had the disease(s).
    4. Dates and proof of a DPT series.
    5. Dates and proof of polio series.
    6. Date and proof of meningitis vaccination for new residential students (see above).
  2. Results of a physical examination given within one year prior to entrance.

Selective Service Requirement

A male may not enroll in a state-supported institution of postsecondary higher education unless he is in compliance with the Military Selective Act. 50 U.S.C. Appendix §451, et seq., and the amendments thereto. (WV SB. No. 524, WV Code §15-1F-10.)


University Credit for Military Service

Students who have completed basic training in military service may be granted a maximum of four semester hours credit, which may be used to satisfy Core Curriculum Wellness and/or elective requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to request this credit and to verify this military experience to the registrar. If the student was not in the Army or other service branch that has basic training, then Shepherd University will grant the same credit to individuals who present a certified copy of their DD-214 form after completing a minimum of one year of active military service.

Correspondence work completed at accredited institutions of higher learning cooperating with the Armed Forces Institute is accepted by universities in West Virginia. The amount of credit allowed by the institution where credit was earned, however, must not exceed 28 semester hours.

To determine eligibility of college credit, students from the Air Force can go to the CCAF website to have a military transcript sent to the Office of the Registrar at Shepherd University. All other branches of mlilitary may request a transcript from the Joint Services Transcript website.

Air Force ROTC

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) is available to Shepherd University students through an agreement with the University of Maryland at University Park. AFROTC courses are scheduled so that students from Shepherd may complete all AFROTC requirements during one morning per week at the University Park campus. In addition, students are eligible to compete for all AFROTC scholarships and flying programs. The four-, three-, and two-year scholarships pay tuition, books, fees, and a $100 per month subsidy.

After graduation from Shepherd and successful completion of the AFROTC requirements at the University of Maryland, students are commissioned second lieutenants in the Air Force. Students interested in AFROTC may contact:

AFROTC Det 330
University of Maryland
Cole Field House, Room 2126
College Park, MD 20742-1021
301-314-3242 or 3243